Archway Veritas [2] recently hosted a special concert featuring five brass musicians and a pianist from The Phoenix Symphony [3]. According to Headmaster Megan Opitz, this is not an isolated event at the academy, which places great value on exposing scholars to the fine arts. They come multiple times a year to perform different classical music based on our composer of the month,” she said. “This one was so fun. They had ragtime [music], [songs by composer] Leonard Bernstein [4], and the kids were dancing the whole time while getting to listen.”
The Phoenix Symphony [3], founded in 1947, is Arizona’s premier professional orchestra, renowned for its artistic excellence and cultural significance. They play a vital role in the community through their extensive educational outreach programs, aimed at fostering a love for music among diverse audiences and inspiring the next generation of musicians.
“When I was in elementary school, we did not have anything like a symphony coming into our school,” said David Lins, Family Giving Officer for the Veritas campus. “One of the most amazing things about the Archway schools at Great Hearts is that we get to have this professional art coming right through our doors, and it’s all made possible because of the [Arizona Public School] Tax Credit [5].”
The Arizona Public School Tax Credit [5] program allows Arizona taxpayers to contribute to the public school of their choice and receive a dollar-for-dollar credit on their state taxes. This tax credit provides nearly half of the funding for our vibrant co-curricular, athletics, and character-building programs for our students. Because of your participation in the tax credit, our students are offered experiences outside of the classroom that continue their transformation into great-hearted leaders.
“This money helps us bring in the Phoenix Symphony, [3] Ballet Arizona, [7] and attend different field trips throughout the school year,” said Opitz. “Some of these students will never have an opportunity to do this until maybe they’re adults. Having this exposure multiple times a year shows them what they can experience outside and really brings joy and beauty into our school.”
Lins says making a tax credit donation is easy. “Just reach out to your Family Giving Officer at your local campus and they’re going to be able to sign you up.” He said you can also make a donation on your school’s website or select your academy at [5] and follow the links to complete your donation.
“This time is definitely something they look forward to, actually getting to experience professionals playing and listening to the music has been really enjoyable for all the students to take a moment out of their day and enjoy,” said Opitz. “We’re just so appreciative of everyone’s donation through tax credit to make this possible every year for us.”
100% of your Arizona Public School Tax Credit contribution stays at your school. Please visit [5] to learn more.
Do you have a story or know of a story that you would like to see featured at Great Hearts? Please contact [9].